So you decided to bite the bullet and write your own content. Where will you get the information to write about and how will you search for the right target audience?
Let's get started by reseraching your chosen keyword that you will also be writing about.
First lets choose a topic for example purposes. Let's say it's 'home schooling'. First do a search to see if there is any interest in this topic so that you know that you have some kind of target audience.
As of today, there are 2088 searches per day on overture for the term 'home schooling'. Now dig for information from which you will develop into your own original content.
Depending on the type of article your will be writing, there are several different resources right at your finger tips.
1 - Besides the basic search engine, Google has many tools available in aiding your search. You can check out Googles news search By searching here, you will find news articles relating to your subject. By summarizing the articles, you can create your own website content.
2 - Another place to look for content which would interest many people is looking in Google "groups." ( ) Here you will find people that are discussing your subject, and you can get many ideas of what specifically to write about.
3 - In your search engine, type
: +home schooling +free +filetype:pdf
This will give your free downloads in .pdf about the subject. As of this writing, Google shows over 1,000,000 hits for this query.
4 - Go to Do a search on your subject, in this example, home schooling. It provides the same results as Google, except you can find extra information by following the link to see what other pages people are visiting that are similar to the current website ("People who visit this page also visit)." These are great ways to find out what the market is interested in.
Don't forget copyright rules! After you gather your materials researched, summarize the information into your own words. You cannot copy and use the information as your own.